Pop quiz: what do you see here first? Ovaries and a uterus? A “holy” couple? Or discrimination, ignorance, and misguided theology?
Tag: Minnesota
Hope this holds…
I like the look of Nate Silver’s final projection for MN Governor.
My Letter to Tim Pawlenty (MN Gov)
Pawlenty, There is no polite way to say this, so I’ll just come right out and say it: You are an asshole. You have no desire to do ANYTHING that benefits the people of Minnesota. The only person you care…
Pawlenty Broke the Budget, But Refuses to Fix It
Great post over at MNPublius on non-Governor Pawlenty and how he broke Minnesota’s budget, illegally – and that’s not opinion, that’s fact – tried to “fix” it by “unallotting” funds, and now refuses to support a real solution. TwoPuttTommy’s comment…
The Governor Who Wasn’t There
Minnesotans continue to confound me with whom they elect. For a supposedly “liberal” state, we come across looking like the rednecks of the North. It’s been apparent from the beginning that Li’l Timmy Pawlenty was more interested in his own…