Rape and Slaughter in the Congo

This is the kind of thing that just makes me despair for humanity. What kind of people can systematically rape and kill children? How can anyone justify anything like this as a political tool? I’ve read many times how soldiers lose their perspective, and stop seeing people as human beings, but it’s just impossible to understand.

I once had an intimate experience with this mentality. I was in an so-called “honors” history class in high school, and one of our assignments was to interview a WWII veteran. I talked with a member of our church that served in the South Pacific theatre. He still held a huge grudge against the Japanese, and told me quite dispassionately about burning the “Japs” out of their tunnels using a flamethrower. He really didn’t view them as quite human.

Estimates are that 1000 people a day are dying in East Congo from war, famine, and disease – over four million in the last 10 years! Now, if I were President, this would be the sort of thing that would be of importance to me. My goal as a world citizen would be to make this tiny sphere a more prosperous and livable place for all, not just for a select few.

Is that too Miss Universe/SaveTheWhales/Whirled-Peas sounding? Call me a romantic, a dreamer, a rebel, Dottie…a loner. But this just happens to be a bit more important to me than cheap oil, missile defense systems, and lowering my taxes.

Some additional info about how UN peacekeeping forces are contributing to this horror.

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