Category: Political


It’s official! The MN Supreme Court has just released their unanimous ruling affirming the appellate court’s decision that Al Franken is Minnesota’s newest U.S. Senator! “The question presented on appeal is whether the trial court erred in concluding that Al…

Tortured Logic

Bush, Bush and Reagan (with some help from Clinton) unscrewed the light bulb in the beacon of hope – but it’s not too late to reclaim our status. We can start down that path by investigating and prosecuting the criminals – including Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, et al – responsible for this detour to the dark side.

Norris. Beck. Palin. Traitors.

But Norris and Beck aren’t the only unpatriotic crazies; in fact, we just had a Vice-Presidential candidate – I know, it’s still hard to believe that the Repubs were really that stupid – and her husband that supported secession!

Jindal’s Jihad

If you haven’t heard, the neocons are having Louisiana governor – their next Sarah Palin – Piyush “Bobby” Jindal give the nutjob…I mean, Republican… rebuttal to President Obama’s (I love saying that!) speech tonight. This guy is just as scary…

Here’s another editorial…

…I wrote for the Savage Pacer. I’ve included the original unedited version below. First of all, I’d like to commend Syd Gross for an excellent article in last week’s Community Voices regarding the futility, horror, and wastefulness of the Iraq war.…

A Must Read

Check out this phenomenal speech given by Bill Moyers on 2006-03-14.  If we could sit down with every American and get them to listen to this, really listen to this, we’d have a new Revolution occur.  Or so I’d like…