Okay, so this has bugged me for a long time: are architects stupid, or do they just lack common sense? This is mainly rhetorical, as they obviously need some intellect in order to obtain the prerequisite pieces of paper required for putting “Architect” behind their names on their business cards. But I sometimes wonder…
The reason I wonder is that it seems that nine out of ten men’s bathrooms were designed without one thought being given to even a vestige of privacy. Now, I know that men are pigs, but I choose to believe that I do not always wallow in the sludge of accumulated men-dom; that is, I think that I can (occasionally) rise above the popularly-held stereotype of men as possessing little more social grace than your common garden-variety swine. But architects either believe otherwise, or just fail to consider it (in which case I think that they should immediately be expelled from whatever fraternal organization to which architects belong).
When I choose to urinate, I expect to do so in at least a semi-private locale. This privacy is frequently denied me due to the blatant lack of foresight (or utter stupidity) of aforementioned architects. Have you ever noticed how many restaurant bathrooms have doors that open to completely expose the Urinator? (not to be confused with the Terminator) Now, tell me: do you enjoy being on display while you urinate? Oh sure, I know some people have a fetish for that sort of thing, but I think that’s a distinct minority. Unless I’m really missing something.
How hard is it to think just a — wee — (pun intended) bit ahead and:
- put up a privacy partition, or
- make the door open on the opposite jamb, or
- re-design the opening so as not to expose the occupants?
Let’s see:
- Four years of private college: $120,000
- Two years of architect graduate school: $20,000
- Letting me pee without being observed by everyone at the bar: Priceless.
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